It was nice to spend a few days out of the department as we worked upstairs. I had also never painted costumes before so this was a great opportunity to try something new as well as letting me make some pretty stencils.
I have never had any use for freezer paper before and really enjoyed using it. It was a great material for making stencils for fabric and if your careful there is no reason why you cant use it a few times It is also best to cut out a few stencils at the same time as it dosent take any more time and is nice to have
a spare.
You also had to be very careful the thickness of the paint you put on so it would not bleed.
I found this project to be beneficial to my learning as i learned about new materials and practiced old techniques. I find in a lot of things I do I need to take more care and as someone had painstaking made these costumes before i painted them it was nerve racking at points.
In the end I painted 4 costumes and I am please with the results