Friday 4 March 2011

It like i have never been anywhere else.... ( odd thoughts and rambling)

I walked out of my apartment today across to the main gallery so i could finish my homework and it dawned on me im leaving in just 3 months.  Everyone i study with has at least 2 years left but not me, even at home its only 1 1/2 years and then its job time. I sat down with my friend Rocky to finish our drawings and before he even said hello to me he said "Its gonna be so weird without you and Rose here next year it feel like your just normal students" Im not to sure what put that thought in the Air. I thought about it and i never really realised how normal my days/weeks  feel. How much i feel like i will be attending this school for years. Most of the student here have girlfriend/boyfriends/friends that live plane journeys away so it feels normal. I miss my fiance, family and friends so much and cant wait to get back and see them but  it feels like this is where i have aways studied, like these are the friends i have always have. It a really strange feeling like there are 2 lifes running parrael and the other me is still in glasgow working away at the Rsamd doing silly hours in the Bar and never having enough time to even draw. When i get back thats not gonna be me. No more silly hours working, Im going to spend as much time with the ones i love as i can and as much time drawing,painting and creating wonderful things as I can... I just cant believe i have to leave these wonderful people at some point and there lives are just going to keep on going the same as every just like whats happening in Glasgow right now.


  1. aww that almost made me cry :D
    Sounds like you're making the most of it ^.^
    Just take LOADS of photos!!
    I wish I had taken more photos of certain times of my life - it really goes so fast :)
